Miniature clutches, brakes, and motors.
Polyclutch slip clutches can slip continuously or intermittently for over 30 million cycles. This opens up many design engineering options including:
Tension Control
Maintain constant tension while winding or unwinding wire, paper, film, thread, etc. Slipclutch automatically compensates for changes in speed and diameter. Pneumatic clutch can change tension during operation.
Torque Control
Screw bottle caps, screws, controls, etc. to the correct torque setting. Combine with one way clutch to slip at rated torque in one direction and freewheel or positive drive in other direction.
Overload Protection
Protect machinery and operator. Clutch will slip when mechanism is jammed. Motion will continue when impediment is removed.
Hold index wheel with solenoid operated pin. Motor runs continuously with clutch slipping. Pin pulls back to index to next station. Can be single or partial revolution. Can index tables, conveyors, vending machines, controls, etc.
Force Control
Push product against gate with constant force. Remote gate and move to next position. No damage to product or conveyor - clutch does all the slipping. Also used for overload protection when jammed and for indexing the conveyor.
Position Retention Hinge
Hold lid, cover, door, screen, etc. at any position. Fingertip control. Combine with one way clutch for free movement in one direction.
Soft Starts/Cushioned Stops
Inertia makes clutch slip when starting and/or stopping. Results in less shock throughout the system. Ideal for slip at the end of stroke.
Keywords: clutch, slip clutch, mechanical slip clutch, pneumatic slip clutch, torque control, overload protection